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🍏 Рrivacy policy

Рrivacy policy BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z o. o. NIP 9662114813, REGON 368194329, KRS: 0000693472. Company address: ul. Konduktorska, No. 18 lok 7, 00-775 Warszawa, PL. Main warehouse ul. Ogrodowa 24, 05-555,  🍏 Рrivacy policy Natural Fridge   OfferРrivacy policyРrivacy policy BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z o. o. NIP 9662114813, REGON 368194329, KRS: 0000693472. Company address: ul. Konduktorska, No. 18 lok 7, 00-775 Warszawa, PL. Main warehouse ul. Ogrodowa 24, 05-555,  🍏 Рrivacy policy Natural Fridge   OfferРrivacy policyРrivacy policy4.1247Рrivacy policy Grzędy, Poland (PL)., tel. +48732081306 🍏 Рrivacy policy Natural Fridge   OfferРrivacy policyРrivacy policy BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z o. o. NIP 9662114813, REGON 368194329, KRS: 0000693472. Company address: ul. Konduktorska, No. 18 lok 7, 00-775 Warszawa, PL. Main warehouse ul. Ogrodowa 24, 05-555,  🍏 Рrivacy policy Natural Fridge   OfferРrivacy policyРrivacy policy Grzędy, Poland (PL)., tel. +48732081306 🍏 Рrivacy policy Natural Fridge   OfferРrivacy policyРrivacy policy BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z o. o. NIP 9662114813, REGON 368194329, KRS: 0000693472. Company address: ul. Konduktorska, No. 18 lok 7, 00-775 Warszawa, PL. Main warehouse ul. Ogrodowa 24, 05-555,  🍏 Рrivacy policy Natural Fridge   OfferРrivacy policyРrivacy policy Grzędy, Poland (PL)., tel. +48732081306 🍏 Рrivacy policy Natural Fridge   OfferРrivacy policyРrivacy policy BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z o. o. NIP 9662114813, REGON 368194329, KRS: 0000693472. Company address: ul. Konduktorska, No. 18 lok 7, 00-775 Warszawa, PL. Main warehouse ul. Ogrodowa 24, 05-555,  🍏 Рrivacy policy Natural Fridge   OfferРrivacy policy><X
BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z o. o. NIP 9662114813, REGON 368194329, KRS: 0000693472. Company address: ul. Konduktorska, No. 18 lok 7, 00-775 Warszawa, PL. Main warehouse ul. Ogrodowa 24, 05-555, Grzędy, Poland (PL)., tel. +48732081306

Due to the entry into force and application of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing the Directive 95/46/WE (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation"), BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z o. o. NIP 9662114813 REGON 368194329, ul. Konduktorska, nr 18 lok 7, 00-775 Warszawa, Poland (hereinafter referred to as the "Online Store"), which is the owner of the Internet domain, provides the following information about the rules for processing your personal data.

  1. The administrator of your personal data (the person who decides how personal data will be used) is Limited Liability Company BPR-PLASTECH, located at the address: ul. Konduktorska, nr 18 lok 7, 00-775 Warszawa, Poland. Contact information - phone number: +48796014471, e-mail address:
  2. The Online Store is committed to protecting your personal data. Thus, it ensures complete security and complete confidentiality for all clients.
  3. The Online Store processes your personal data for the following purposes:

    1. execution of the placed order;
    2. transfer of your personal data to ING Bank Slaski S. A. (the "Bank") in connection with:

      1. rendering of services by the Bank to the Online Store to provide infrastructure for processing payments via the Internet (legal basis: Article 6 (1) (f) of the Regulation).
      2. management and settlement by the Bank of payments made by customers of the Online Store via the Internet with thr use of payment instruments (legal basis: Article 6 (1) (f) of the Regulation).
      3. verification by the Bank of the proper execution of contracts concluded with the Online Store, in particular, ensuring of the protection of the interests of payers in connection with their complaints (legal basis: Article 6 (1) (f) of the Regulation).
    3. transfer of your personal data to Twisto Polska Sp. z o. o. in connection with the possibility of offering payment for purchased products or services by Twisto Polska Sp.z o. o. in accordance with the mandate contract covering the purchase formula "Buy with Twisto" and the provision of this purchase formula at the Online Store, as well as for verification by Twisto Polska Sp.z o. o. of the proper execution of such mandate contracts (legal basis: Article 6 (1) (f) of the Regulation).
    4. Personal data may be provided to the courier company to execute the order. These companies will not use this data for any other purposes.
  4. We process personal data based on the consent given by the client, in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing the Directive 95/46/EC.
  5. The Online Store may ask users to provide information such as their first and last name, address, phone number and e-mail address that is required to execute the order.
  6. In addition to the purposes set out in paragraph 3 (main purpose), the Online Store may process your personal data for other legitimate purposes (secondary purpose) when the main and secondary purposes are closely related. As part of such processing, the Online Store operating in accordance with Article 6 Sec. 1 Lit. e) of the Regulation provides for the processing of personal data for the following secondary purposes as well:

    • making claims in connection with the execution of the contract,
    • fulfilling obligations under the law, including tax and accounting obligations,
    • preventing abuse and fraud,
    • statistical and archival data.
  7. Processing of your personal data for the purposes specified in clause 3 and sec. 4 will take place due to the existence of a legitimate interest pursued by the Online Store.
  8. In connection with the processing of personal data for the purposes specified in paragraphs 3 and 4, your personal data may be available through the Online Store to other recipients or categories of recipients of personal data, namely:

    1. ING Bank Slaski S. A.
    2. Twisto Polska Sp. z o.o.
  9. Your personal data will be processed for a period justified for achieving the purposes specified in paragraph 3, for a maximum of 6 years from the date of termination of the contract.
  10. In connection with the processing of your personal data, you have the right to:

    1. access your personal data,
    2. correct them if they do not correspond to the actual state,
    3. delete them or restrict data processing,
    4. object to the processing of personal data,
    5. right to data portability.
  11. If the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw such consent at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the processing of data prior to withdrawal of consent or the legal basis for this processing.
  12. The supervisory authority of the Online Store with regard to personal data is the General Inspector for Personal Data Protection (address: General Inspector for Personal Data Protection, 2 Stavki st., 00-193 Warsaw). You have the right to register a complaint with the supervisory authority.
  13. If you provide your personal data to enter into a contract with the Online Store, the provision of your personal data is a condition for entering into this Agreement. The provision of personal data in this situation is voluntary, but failure to provide this data will make it impossible to conclude a contract with the Online Store.

    If you provide your personal data to transfer them to Twisto Polska Sp. z o. o. before entering into a contract for the sale and purchase of products (or services) purchased in the Online Store, the provision of this data is a condition for entering into a sale and purchase contract in connection with the business model adopted in the Online Store.

    If you provide your personal data to the Bank in connection with the processing and calculation of payments made by you at the Online Store via the Internet using payment instruments, the provision of data is required for making a payment and confirming payment by the Bank for the product of the Online Store.

    If your personal data is transferred to the Bank in order to verify the proper execution of contracts concluded with the Online Store by the Bank, in particular, to protect the interests of payers in connection with their complaints, the provision of this data is necessary to ensure the execution of the contract concluded between the Online Store and the Bank.

    If your personal data is transferred to Twisto Polska Sp. z o.o. in connection with the ability to offer you a payment for products or services purchased by you at Twisto Polska Sp. z o.o. under the mandate contract covering the purchase formula "Buy with Twisto" and provision of this formula at the Online Store, all of these data and their processing for that purpose are required in connection with the business model adopted by the Online Store and for the execution of the contract between the Online Store and Twisto Polska Sp. z o.o.

  14. The Online Store processes data in order to fulfill its obligations under the law (based on Article 6 (1) (c) of the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR): the obligation to issue an invoice or receipt in accordance with the Law on Taxes on Products and Services and the obligation to maintain accounting records in accordance with the Law on Accounting.

    The data may be transferred to organizations that are used by the Online Store during data processing: e-mail and regular mail service providers, individuals who provide legal and tax advice for the Store and companies that provide compliance verification (audit) services. We do not transfer data outside of Poland.

    We process data for a maximum of 6 years, but this period of data processing can be extended if this account is necessary to establish, investigate and protect the claims of the Online Store, then the date of deletion depends on the duration of the proceedings and the period of limitations.

    The data subject has the right to access and receive a copy of their data, the right to correct their data, the right to delete data, the right to restrict data processing, the right to object to data processing, the right to transfer data and the right to register a complaint with the supervisory authority.

    The data in the invoice is provided by you voluntarily, but the transaction shall be consummated in accordance with the law. Failure to provide them or their provision in too narrow volume will make it impossible to perform transactions with the Online Store.

    Personal data will be processed automatically by the Online Store, but will not be profiled.

  15. This website uses the ability to directly display and play videos,

    offered by "YouTube", which belongs to Google LLC., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View,

    CA 94043, USA ("Google"). We use the extended privacy mode in this regard, thanks

    which user information is saved only after the movie starts playing. Then

    The provider "Youtube" uses cookies to collect information about user behavior. If

    you log in to google, your data will be assigned directly to your account after

    starting the movie. Google stores your data (even if you are not logged in) as a profile

    use and evaluates them. Such an evaluation is carried out in particular in accordance with Art. 6 sec. 1

    f GDPR on the basis of Google’s legitimate display interests

    personalized advertising, market research and / or website customization. You have the right to

    to oppose the creation of a user profile, however you must contact

    YouTube. Google LLC, based in the USA, is certified under the agreement between the EU and the USA on

    data protection, the so-called "Privacy Shield". More information on privacy on "YouTube" can be found

    see the provider’s privacy policy:

  16. We use Google AdWords and, as part of this program, a conversion tracking tool

    Conversion-Tracking. Google Conversion Tracking is a service provided by Google Inc. (1600

    Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, hereinafter "Google"). When the user clicks on

    an ad served by Google, a tracking cookie is stored on his computer

    conversion. Thanks to this, we can determine how effective individual advertising activities are. This file

    the cookie expires after 30 days and is not used for personal identification. If the user

    visits certain pages of this website and the cookie has not yet expired, Google and we can recognize that

    the user clicked on the ad and was redirected to this page. Every Google AdWords customer receives

    another cookie. The information collected using these cookies is used to generate statistics

    conversions for advertisers. We use Google Adwords in accordance with Art. 6 point 1 lit. f GDPR based on

    our legitimate interests resulting from the intention to optimize advertising activities. unless

    you want to participate in conversion tracking, you can block it by applying relevant

    settings in the browser that prevent the installation of cookies. You will not

    then included in the conversion tracking statistics.

    More information and Google’s data protection declaration can be found under


  17. This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service

    provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

    ("Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies to enable the website to be analyzed

    the way users use it. Information generated by the cookie about use

    from this website (including the shortened IP address) are usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and there

    stored. This website uses Google Analytics 4: IP anonymization is always enabled (, which guarantees the anonymity of the IP address and excludes direct reference to

    users. Only in exceptional cases will the complete IP address be sent to the server

    Google in the US and truncated there. In these exceptional cases, processing is carried out in accordance with

    art. 6 point 1 lit. f GDPR based on our legitimate interests related to analysis

    users for optimization and marketing purposes. Google will use this information for evaluation

    use of the website by the user, compiling reports on website activity and

    providing other services related to website traffic and internet use.

    You can prevent the storage of cookies by a corresponding software setting

    browsers. However, disabling all cookies may mean that certain features are on ours

    website may not function properly. In addition, you can prevent collection by Google

    Data Analytics by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available under the following

    link: .

    For more information on how Google Analytics handles user data, see

    Google’s privacy policy:

  18. This site uses "Facebook Pixel" from Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025,

    USA ("Facebook"). This feature can track user behavior when viewed or clicked

    Facebook ads. This process is to evaluate the effectiveness of Facebook ads, it serves a purpose

    statistical and can help optimize future advertising efforts. The data collected is for

    us anonymous, so they do not provide us with any conclusions about the identity of users.

    However, the data is stored and processed by Facebook in such a way that it is possible for them

    assignment to a given user profile and Facebook can use them for its own purposes

    advertising, in accordance with its privacy policy

    To prevent the use of cookies on your computer, you can set your browser

    website so that they are not saved. However, disabling all cookies may

    mean that some functions on our website may not work properly. You can

    also disable the use of third party cookies such as Facebook on the website

    Digital Advertising Alliance:

  19. This website uses the Google AdWords remarketing functions that are used for

    advertise this website in Google search results as well as on third party websites.

    The provider of AdWords is Google LLC., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

    ("Google"). Google sets a cookie in your browser that automatically, based on

    previously visited pages, it enables advertising in accordance with your interests.

    You can disable the storage of advertising cookies permanently by downloading and installing in your browser

    plug-in available here:

    You can find more information about the privacy policy regarding Google ads


  20. We use Google Maps (API) on this website. Google Maps is a website for

    displaying interactive maps. When opening those subpages with maps

    Google Maps, information on the use of our website is transferred to Google servers in the USA

    website (e.g. your IP address). This occurs regardless of whether or not you are logged in to

    Google account or not. If you are logged in to Google, your data will be automatically assigned

    directly to your account. If you do not want this to happen, you must log out first

    from your Google account. Google stores your data as user profiles and evaluates them according to

    art. 6 sec. 1 lit. f) GDPR, based on your legitimate display interests

    personalized advertising, market research and / or customization of your website. To

    to object to profile creation, you must contact Google.

  21. The Online Store may contain links to other websites. The administrator urges

    that after switching to other websites, read the privacy policy established there. This policy

    privacy concerns only the Administrator’s Online Store.

  22. In matters not covered by regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code and relevant acts of Polish law, as well as the legislation of the European Union, in particular the GDPR (Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC).
BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z o. o.
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