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🍏 Regulatory documents

Regulatory documents Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferRegulatory documentsRegulatory documents Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferRegulatory documentsNatural FRIDGE ® 2,5 m Plastic basement installation and assembly underground pantry plastic 2,5 m Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferNatural FRIDGE ® 2,5 m Plastic basement installation and assembly underground pantry plastic 2,5 mGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®Garden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®Garden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®Garden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®Garden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®Garden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®Garden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®Garden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®Garden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®Garden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®Garden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®Garden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®Garden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®Underground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®Garden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®Underground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®Garden cellar Natural FRIDGE ® Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGarden cellar Natural FRIDGE ®><X
Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors.


1. Regulations - these regulations specifying the rules for concluding sales contracts between BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. and contractors.

2. Seller - BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw, ul. Konduktorska 18/7, 00-775 Warsaw, NIP: 9662114813, KRS: 0000693472, REGON: 368194329. Seller’s correspondence details: ul. Bruzdowa 125A/12, 02-991, phone: +48-732-081-306, e-mail:

3. Goods - goods and products owned by the Seller or offered by the Seller, intended for sale.

4. Consumer - a natural person making a legal transaction with the entrepreneur not directly related to his business or professional activity,

5. Counterparty - an entity concluding a sales contract with the Seller.

6. Agreement - a sales agreement concluded between the Seller and the Counterparty.

7. Website - website maintained at

8. Order - a declaration of will to purchase the Goods submitted by the Counterparty using the Order Form and aimed directly at concluding an Agreement with the Seller.

9. Order form - an interactive form available on the Website that allows placing an Order and specifying the terms of the Agreement, including the method of delivery and payment.

§ 1 General provisions

1. These Regulations define the conditions for concluding contracts between the Seller and the Contractors.

2. The Regulations apply to all Agreements and repeal all previous arrangements between the parties to the Agreement.

3. In the event of discrepancies between the Regulations and the Agreement, the contractual provisions shall prevail.

4. The Regulations are addressed to both Consumers and entrepreneurs, unless a given provision provides otherwise and is addressed only to Consumers or only to entrepreneurs.

§ 2 Conclusion of Agreements

1. The Agreement is concluded as a result of the fulfillment of one of the following conditions:

a) signing the Agreement by the Seller and the Counterparty,

b) confirmation of acceptance by the Seller of the Order placed by the Counterparty,

c) confirmation of acceptance by the Counterparty of the offer submitted by the Seller.

2. The offer submitted by the Seller is binding only on the date indicated therein, and in the absence of a deadline within 7 days from the date of its preparation.

3. The order must contain at least the following data:

a) details of the Counterparty (name, surname, address, e-mail address, telephone number),

b) type of Goods,

c) quantity with the unit of measure,

d) address and method of delivery / collection.

4. Conclusion of the Agreement means acceptance by the Counterparty of these Regulations.

5. Commercial information contained on the Website is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code, but only an invitation to Contractors to submit offers to conclude a sales contract.

6. The Seller reserves the right to cancel the placed Order / withdraw from the Agreement if the Order has been placed in a manner inconsistent with the Regulations.

7. In the event that the implementation of part or all of the Order / Agreement is not possible, the Seller shall immediately:

a) informs the Counterparty about canceling the Order / withdrawing from the Agreement in its entirety,

b) proposes to the Counterparty to cancel the Order / withdraw from the Agreement in the part in which its implementation is not possible. If this option is selected by the Counterparty, the subject of the Order / Agreement will be the Goods covered by the remaining part of this Order.

8. The Seller may exercise the rights referred to in paragraphs 6 and 7 within 14 days from the date of placing the Order / conclusion of the Agreement.

§ 3 Delivery

1. Deadlines for the performance of Agreements (delivery of Goods) presented to the Counterparty are indicative and may be extended, which does not entitle the Counterparty to withdraw from the contract or to pursue any claims against the Seller. In the event of extending the term of the contract, the Seller shall notify the Counterparty of this fact. The beginning of the period for the delivery of the Goods to the Counterparty is calculated as follows:

a) if the Counterparty chooses the method of payment by bank transfer, electronic payment or payment card - from the date of crediting the Seller’s bank account or settlement account,

b) if the Counterparty chooses the method of payment in cash or by a payment card on delivery - from the date of conclusion of the Agreement.

2. In the case of delivery of the Goods by the Seller, the risk of loss or damage to the Goods is transferred to the Counterparty upon receipt. At the time of receipt of the Goods, the Counterparty is obliged to verify the condition of the Goods and report any possible reservations to the carrier. If there are no objections to the acceptance report, it is assumed that the Goods did not have any defects. The above reservation does not apply to Consumers.

3. If you choose to collect the Goods in person or transport them in a manner organized by the Counterparty, the Seller will notify the Counterparty about the readiness of the Goods for collection. The risk of loss and damage to the Goods is transferred to the Counterparty from the date of and the release of the Goods to the Counterparty or the carrier. In such a situation, the Seller shall not be liable for damage caused during transport.

4. Any reservations regarding the quantity, quality or condition of the Goods found by the Consumer upon receipt should be reported to the Seller within three calendar days of accepting the delivery.

5. The Counterparty is obliged to ensure that the driver carrying out the transport of the Goods for the Seller is able to travel to the delivery address indicated in the Agreement. The unloading of the Goods is not covered by the Agreement and shall be charged to the Counterparty, unless the Agreement provides otherwise.

6. In the case of delivery of the Goods, the Counterparty is obliged to collect them within the agreed time. If the Counterparty refuses to accept the Goods within the time limit set in the Agreement, the Seller may store the Goods for a maximum period of 14 days, and the Counterparty will be obliged to reimburse the costs of storage, insurance and transport. If the Goods are not collected within 14 days from the date of informing the Counterparty about the readiness of the Goods for collection or the first attempt to deliver them, the Seller has the right to withdraw from the contract. The Seller may exercise the right to withdraw from the contract within 30 days from the date of the occurrence of the event justifying the possibility of exercising the right to withdraw from the contract.

§ 4 Price and Payment Terms

1. The prices offered by the Seller are given in Polish zlotys (PLN) or in euros (EUR) and include all taxes. The total price including taxes of the Goods being the subject of the Order, as well as delivery costs and other costs, and when the amount of these fees cannot be determined - about the obligation to pay them, the Counterparty is informed on the Website when placing the Order.

2. If the Counterparty chooses payment by bank transfer, payment card or electronic payments, the Counterparty is obliged to make the payment within 3 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the Agreement. The date of crediting the Seller’s bank account is considered to be the date of payment.

3. If the Counterparty is late with the payment of part or all of the price, the Seller has the right to withdraw from the contract, which the Seller may exercise within 30 days from the due date of the claim for payment of the price.

4. Until the full price is paid, the Goods remain the property of the Seller. Failure to pay the entire price within the agreed period entitles the Seller to collect the Goods from the Counterparty. Filing any complaints does not release the Counterparty who is an entrepreneur from the obligation to pay on time.

§ 5 Consumer Rights

1. The consumer has the right to withdraw from the Agreement, in the case of its conclusion at a distance or outside the seat of the Seller, within 14 days without giving any reason.

2. The period for withdrawing from the sales contract begins for the sales contract in which the Seller issues the Goods - from taking possession of it by the Consumer or a third party indicated by him other than the carrier, and in the case when the sales contract covers many products that are delivered separately, in batches or in parts - from taking possession of the last product, batch or part, for other contracts - from the date of their conclusion.

3. To exercise the right to withdraw from the Agreement, an unequivocal statement of withdrawal must be sent to the Seller in paper or electronic form. To meet the deadline, it is enough to send a statement before its expiry. The template of the declaration of withdrawal from the contract is attached as Appendix 1 to the Regulations.

4. In the event of withdrawal from the contract, the Seller shall return the payments received from the Consumer immediately, no later than 14 days from the date on which the Seller was informed about the withdrawal. The refund will be made in the same way as was used by the Consumer.

5. The Seller may withhold the reimbursement of payments received from the Consumer until receipt of the returned Goods. The date and form of returning the Goods should be agreed with the Seller. Goods are returned to the address of ul. Ogrodowa 24, 05-555 Grzędy.

6. The consumer is responsible for the decrease in the value of the Goods as a result of using it in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Goods. The Seller has the right to deduct the amount of compensation for the decrease in the value of the Goods as a result of using them in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Goods from the funds returned to the Consumer as a result of withdrawing from the Agreement.

7. The right to withdraw from the contract is not entitled to the Consumer in relation to the contracts referred to in art. 38 sec. 1 of the Act on Consumer Rights, including in particular in relation to Agreements in which the Goods are non-prefabricated items, manufactured according to the Consumer’s specifications or serving to satisfy his individual needs.

§ 6 Provisions Concerning Entrepreneurs

1. Responsibility

The Seller’s claim against a Counterparty who is not a Consumer, regardless of its legal basis, is limited - both as part of a single claim, as well as for all claims in total - to the amount of the price paid under the Agreement to which the Counterparty’s claims are related. The Seller is liable to the Counterparty who is not a Consumer only for typical damages foreseeable at the time of concluding the Agreement and is not liable for lost profits.

2. In the event of an unjustified refusal to collect the ordered goods, the Seller has the right to charge the Contracting Party a contractual penalty in the amount equivalent to the agreed delivery cost.

3. Any disputes arising between the Seller and the Counterparty who is not a Consumer shall be submitted to the court having jurisdiction over the seat of the Seller.

§ 7 Complaints

1. The Seller sells Goods free of physical and legal defects. The Seller is liable to the Counterparty if the Goods have a physical or legal defect (warranty).

2. A complaint under the warranty may be submitted by the Counterparty, for example:

a) in writing to the correspondence address,

b) in electronic form via e-mail,

c) in person.

3. It is recommended that the Counterparty provide in the description of the complaint:

a) information and circumstances regarding the subject of the complaint, in particular the type and date of the defect,

b) demand a way to bring the Goods into compliance with the Agreement or a statement on price reduction or withdrawal from the Sales Agreement,

c) contact details of the complainant - this will facilitate and speed up the consideration of the complaint by the Seller.

The requirements set out above are only recommendations and do not affect the effectiveness of complaints submitted without the recommended description of the complaint.

4. The seller will respond to the complaint immediately, no later than within 14 calendar days from the date of its receipt.

5. The Counterparty who exercises the rights under the warranty is obliged to deliver the defective Goods to the address of ul. Ogrodowa 24, 05-555 Grzędy. If, due to the type of Goods or the method of their assembly, delivery by the Counterparty would be excessively difficult, the Counterparty is obliged to make the Goods available to the Seller at the place where the Goods are located.

§ 8 Guarantee

1. The warranty is granted for a period of 24 months.

2. The detailed conditions of the warranty provided by the Seller are specified in the technical sheet attached to the Goods.

3. The warranty is valid only with proof of purchase.

§ 9 Final Provisions

1. The current version of the Regulations is available on the Website.

2. The Seller reserves the right to make changes to the Regulations. Amendments to the Regulations do not affect already concluded or performed Agreements.

3. The administrator of personal data processed in connection with the implementation of the provisions of these Regulations and the conclusion of Agreements is the Seller. Personal data is processed for purposes, within the scope and based on the grounds and principles indicated in the privacy policy published on the Website. Providing personal data by the Counterparty is voluntary, however, in the event of refusal to provide them, the Seller may refuse to conclude and implement the Agreement.

4. In matters not covered by these Regulations, generally applicable provisions of Polish law, in particular the Civil Code, shall apply.

Appendix 1.


(this form should be completed and returned only if you wish to withdraw from the contract).

BPR-PLASTECH sp. z o.o

KRS: 0000693472

st. Bruzdowa 125A/12

02-991 Warsaw


(first name Last Name)



I hereby inform you that I withdraw from the contract _______________________, concluded on ____________________.



Cellar 250

Keller aus Plastik Natural FRIDGE ® und Speisekammer absolut dicht, abmessung 2,5 m zylindrisch mit schrägem Eingang Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferKeller aus Plastik Natural FRIDGE ® und Speisekammer absolut dicht, abmessung 2,5 m zylindrisch mit schrägem EingangKeller aus Plastik Natural FRIDGE ® und Speisekammer absolut dicht, abmessung 2,5 m zylindrisch mit schrägem Eingang Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferKeller aus Plastik Natural FRIDGE ® und Speisekammer absolut dicht, abmessung 2,5 m zylindrisch mit schrägem EingangAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entrance BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entranceAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entrance Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entranceCellar doors from Poland Natural FRIDGE o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferCellar doors from Poland Natural FRIDGEAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entrance Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entranceAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entrance o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entranceAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entrance Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entranceAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entrance o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entranceAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entrance Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entranceAbsolutely sealed plastic wine cellar, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entry o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAbsolutely sealed plastic wine cellar, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entryAbsolutely sealed plastic wine cellar, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entry Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAbsolutely sealed plastic wine cellar, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entryAbsolutely sealed plastic wine cellar, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entry Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAbsolutely sealed plastic wine cellar, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entryAbsolutely sealed plastic wine cellar, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entry Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAbsolutely sealed plastic wine cellar, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entryAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entrance Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entranceAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entrance o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entranceAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entrance Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entranceAdditional extension of the entrance corridor for basements with a sloping entrance o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAdditional extension of the entrance corridor for basements with a sloping entranceUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo z o. o. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photoUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo Cellar 250  Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp.  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferUnderground plastic garden cellar, sealed pantry, wine-vault - basement installation 1 day - photo><X

Plastic cellar Natural FRIDGE® — Natural refrigerator © 2017-2023 BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z o. o.

Cellar 120x120

Regulatory documents Cellar 120x120   Cellar 200x175 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferRegulatory documentsRegulatory documents Cellar 120x120   Cellar 200x175 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferRegulatory documentsRegulatory documents Cellar 120x120   Cellar 200x175 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferRegulatory documents><X

Cellar 200x175

Gartenkeller NaturkÜhlschrank aus Kunststoff 2,0 m x 1,75 m mit schrägem Eingang - Natural FRIDGE aus Polen 2022 Cellar 200x175  Garden cellar, plastic cellar, vegetable and fruit cellar pantry,  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGartenkeller NaturkÜhlschrank aus Kunststoff 2,0 m x 1,75 m mit schrägem Eingang - Natural FRIDGE aus Polen 2022Gartenkeller NaturkÜhlschrank aus Kunststoff 2,0 m x 1,75 m mit schrägem Eingang - Natural FRIDGE aus Polen 2022 Cellar 200x175  Garden cellar, plastic cellar, vegetable and fruit cellar pantry,  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferGartenkeller NaturkÜhlschrank aus Kunststoff 2,0 m x 1,75 m mit schrägem Eingang - Natural FRIDGE aus Polen 2022Plastic cellar, underground basement and pantry 2,0 m x 1,75 m dugout, wine-vault, underground wine cellar, ziemianka, basement cellar Natural FRIDGE – we manufacture ready-made plastic cellars,  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferPlastic cellar, underground basement and pantry 2,0 m x 1,75 mPlastic cellar, underground basement and pantry 2,0 m x 1,75 m they are equipped with shelves, stairs and gravity ventilation. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferPlastic cellar, underground basement and pantry 2,0 m x 1,75 mCellar doors from Poland Natural FRIDGE Cellar 200x175  Garden cellar, plastic cellar, vegetable and fruit cellar pantry, dugout, wine-vault, underground wine cellar, ziemianka, basement cellar  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferCellar doors from Poland Natural FRIDGEAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entrance Natural FRIDGE – we manufacture ready-made plastic cellars, they are equipped with shelves, stairs  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAbsolutely sealed plastic cellar and pantry, dimensions 2.5 m cylindrical with inclined entrancePlastic cellar, underground basement and pantry 2,0 m x 1,75 m and gravity ventilation. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferPlastic cellar, underground basement and pantry 2,0 m x 1,75 mWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2,0 m x 1,75 m Cellar 200x175  Garden cellar, plastic cellar, vegetable and fruit cellar pantry, dugout, wine-vault, underground wine cellar, ziemianka,  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2,0 m x 1,75 mWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2,0 m x 1,75 m basement cellar Natural FRIDGE – we manufacture ready-made plastic cellars, they are equipped with shelves, stairs and gravity ventilation. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2,0 m x 1,75 mPlastic cellar, underground basement and pantry 2,0 m x 1,75 m  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferPlastic cellar, underground basement and pantry 2,0 m x 1,75 mWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2,0 m x 1,75 m Cellar 200x175  Garden cellar, plastic cellar, vegetable and fruit cellar pantry, dugout, wine-vault, underground wine cellar, ziemianka,  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2,0 m x 1,75 mWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2,0 m x 1,75 m basement cellar Natural FRIDGE – we manufacture ready-made plastic cellars, they are equipped with shelves, stairs and gravity ventilation. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2,0 m x 1,75 mWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2,0 m x 1,75 m  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2,0 m x 1,75 mWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2,0 m x 1,75 m Cellar 200x175  Garden cellar, plastic cellar, vegetable and fruit cellar pantry, dugout, wine-vault, underground wine cellar, ziemianka,  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2,0 m x 1,75 mPlastic garden basement and wine cellar2,0 m x 1,75 m basement cellar Natural FRIDGE – we manufacture ready-made plastic cellars, they are equipped with shelves, stairs and gravity ventilation. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferPlastic garden basement and wine cellar2,0 m x 1,75 mPlastic garden basement and wine cellar2,0 m x 1,75 m Cellar 200x175  Garden cellar, plastic cellar, vegetable and fruit cellar pantry, dugout, wine-vault, underground wine cellar, ziemianka, basement  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferPlastic garden basement and wine cellar2,0 m x 1,75 mPlastic garden basement and wine cellar2,0 m x 1,75 m cellar Natural FRIDGE – we manufacture ready-made plastic cellars, they are equipped with shelves, stairs and gravity ventilation. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferPlastic garden basement and wine cellar2,0 m x 1,75 mAdditional extension of the entrance corridor for basements with a sloping entrance Cellar 200x175  Garden cellar, plastic cellar, vegetable and fruit cellar pantry, dugout, wine-vault, underground  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferAdditional extension of the entrance corridor for basements with a sloping entrance><X

Garden cellar, plastic cellar, vegetable and fruit cellar pantry, dugout, wine-vault, underground wine cellar, ziemianka, basement cellar Natural FRIDGE – we manufacture ready-made plastic cellars, they are equipped with shelves, stairs and gravity ventilation.

Cellar 200x200

Keller aus Plastik Natural FRIDGE ® und Untergeschoss unter der Erde absolut dicht, abmessung 1,5х1,5 m und 2х2 m Cellar 200x200  They are absolutely sealed, have plastic or wooden doors. Installation,  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferKeller aus Plastik Natural FRIDGE ® und Untergeschoss unter der Erde absolut dicht, abmessung 1,5х1,5 m und 2х2 mKeller aus Plastik Natural FRIDGE ® und Untergeschoss unter der Erde absolut dicht, abmessung 1,5х1,5 m und 2х2 m Cellar 200x200  They are absolutely sealed, have plastic or wooden doors. Installation,  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferKeller aus Plastik Natural FRIDGE ® und Untergeschoss unter der Erde absolut dicht, abmessung 1,5х1,5 m und 2х2 mPlastic cellar, underground basement and pantry 2х2 m assembly in 1 day. LED lighting and weather station included. Homeowners across Europe are looking for energy-independent solutions. Finished  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferPlastic cellar, underground basement and pantry 2х2 mPlastic cellar, underground basement and pantry 2х2 m and all ready cellar of plastic - it is a modern alternative to concrete and stone cellars, to electric refrigerator. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferPlastic cellar, underground basement and pantry 2х2 mWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 m et 2х2 m schemat Cellar 200x200  They are absolutely sealed, have plastic or wooden doors. Installation, assembly in 1 day. LED lighting  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 m et 2х2 m schematPlastic garden basement and wine cellar1,5х1,5 m et 2х2 m and weather station included. Homeowners across Europe are looking for energy-independent solutions. Finished and all ready cellar of plastic  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferPlastic garden basement and wine cellar1,5х1,5 m et 2х2 mInstallation Wine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 m - it is a modern alternative to concrete and stone cellars, to electric refrigerator. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferInstallation Wine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 mInstallation Cave 1,5х1,5 m Cellar 200x200  They are absolutely sealed, have plastic or wooden doors. Installation, assembly in 1 day. LED lighting and weather station included. Homeowners across  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferInstallation Cave 1,5х1,5 mPlastic cellar, underground basement and pantry 2х2 m Europe are looking for energy-independent solutions. Finished and all ready cellar of plastic - it is a modern alternative to concrete and  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferPlastic cellar, underground basement and pantry 2х2 mWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2х2 m stone cellars, to electric refrigerator. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2х2 mPlastic cellar, underground basement and pantry 2х2 m interior Cellar 200x200  They are absolutely sealed, have plastic or wooden doors. Installation, assembly in 1 day. LED lighting and weather  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferPlastic cellar, underground basement and pantry 2х2 m interiorWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2х2 m interior station included. Homeowners across Europe are looking for energy-independent solutions. Finished and all ready cellar of plastic -  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2х2 m interiorWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2х2 m interior it is a modern alternative to concrete and stone cellars, to electric refrigerator. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2х2 m interiorWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2х2 m interior Cellar 200x200  They are absolutely sealed, have plastic or wooden doors. Installation, assembly in 1 day. LED lighting and weather  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2х2 m interior2х2 m interior Wine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega station included. Homeowners across Europe are looking for energy-independent solutions. Finished and all ready cellar of plastic -  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   Offer2х2 m interior Wine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodegaWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2х2 m it is a modern alternative to concrete and stone cellars, to electric refrigerator. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2х2 mWine-vault of plastic bodega Cellar 200x200  They are absolutely sealed, have plastic or wooden doors. Installation, assembly in 1 day. LED lighting and weather station included. Homeowners across  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic bodegaWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2х2 m Europe are looking for energy-independent solutions. Finished and all ready cellar of plastic - it is a modern alternative to concrete and stone  🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2х2 mWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2х2 m cellars, to electric refrigerator. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 2х2 m><X

They are absolutely sealed, have plastic or wooden doors. Installation, assembly in 1 day. LED lighting and weather station included. Homeowners across Europe are looking for energy-independent solutions. Finished and all ready cellar of plastic - it is a modern alternative to concrete and stone cellars, to electric refrigerator.

Cellar 150x150

Regulatory documents Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferRegulatory documentsRegulatory documents Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferRegulatory documentsWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 m Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 mPlastic garden basement and wine cellar1,5х1,5 m Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferPlastic garden basement and wine cellar1,5х1,5 mWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 m Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 mWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 m Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 mWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 m schema Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 m schemaCellar and underground basement for garden - dimensions 1,5х1,5 m Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferCellar and underground basement for garden - dimensions 1,5х1,5 mCellar and underground basement for garden - dimensions 1,5х1,5 m Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferCellar and underground basement for garden - dimensions 1,5х1,5 mWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 m Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 mCellar en plastique 1,5х1,5 m Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferCellar en plastique 1,5х1,5 mWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 m Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 mCellar en plastique 1,5х1,5 m Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferCellar en plastique 1,5х1,5 mCellar en plastique 1,5х1,5 m Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferCellar en plastique 1,5х1,5 mWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 m Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 mWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 m Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferWine-vault of plastic - wine cellar and bodega 1,5х1,5 mCellar en plastique dimensions 1,5х1,5 m Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferCellar en plastique dimensions 1,5х1,5 mCellar en plastique dimensions 1,5х1,5 m Cellar 150x150  We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country. 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferCellar en plastique dimensions 1,5х1,5 m><X

We deliver our plastic cellars from a warehouse near Warsaw to your home in any EU country.

Cellar 120x160

Regulatory documents Cellar 120x160 🍏 Regulatory documents Natural Fridge   OfferRegulatory documents
BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z o. o.
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