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🍏 Garden and more: underground cellars

Garden and more: underground cellars For questions from TV Poland branch in Bialystok (TVP3 Bialystok) an expert on garden cellars Michal Hawrylyszyn and the customer, Mr. Piotr  🍏 Garden and more: underground cellars Natural Fridge   OfferGarden and more: underground cellars
For questions from TV Poland branch in Bialystok (TVP3 Bialystok) an expert on garden cellars Michal Hawrylyszyn and the customer, Mr. Piotr Kozluk. Interview filmed on the client’s plot in Bialystok of Poland on July 6, 2020.

Watch the report on the channel's website . Video text content:

Reporter of TVP3 Bialystok of Poland:

— Garden cellars, also called dugouts, are used to store food. In the past, they were found in almost every garden, today they are back in favor in a new version.

An expert on garden cellars Michal Hawrylyszyn :

— So far, concrete cellars or traditional stone cellars built by specialists have been most often used. Times are changing, cellar specialists are becoming less and less. So we entered the market with plastic cellars that work great.

The cellars are made of polyethylene, from which all packaging approved for food products is made, so it is a very hygienic packaging, it is very nice to keep it clean. No mold develops on the walls because it is smooth. The microclimate is pleasant because there is a very efficient supply and exhaust ventilation, such as in our traditional stone dugouts (it is no different). If something spills, it's very easy to clean up.

In winter, the temperature that is maintained here is between 3 and 5 °C. In summer the temperature is around 12-20 °C.

— Cellars made of plastic are known, among others, in Austria and Belarus. They appeared on the Polish market 2 years ago. There are 4 models to choose from, differing in size and design of the entrance.

— I'm standing here by the largest model of a basement we offer. In order to familiarize you with the dimensions of this device, I will give you a few numbers: diameter - about 2.5 m, which translates into an area of about 5 m2, height - 2.6 m, cellar volume - about 9 m3.

From ground level, it is very convenient to open this hatch/entrance. It is possible to secure our products using a lock - we just lock it with a key, like a flat. Nobody undesirable will get here.

It is also possible to expand this basement in order to improve thermal conditions and arrangement in the area - it is possible to extend the entrance with such a superstructure. This is an option, it's not mandatory. Most of our customers choose this option because they want a perfect product.

— There is also a model of a garden cellar with a vertical entrance.

— The surface of this cellar is about 4 m2 with a size of 2 x 2 m. Of course, the height of the cellar is the same in all models and is 2.6 m, so that you can easily enter and move around. This type of cellar models with a vertical hatch are chosen for small plots, where you cannot afford an embankment, a hill, for taking even 5 m2 of space. They are often installed under the terraces of houses.

— The cellar is completely tight, it does not have a single joint. This affects its comfort of use, because you do not have to worry about groundwater soaking.

— The "sister" of this cellar is a slightly smaller cellar, also with a very convenient hatch. The dimensions of this cellar are 2 x 1.85 m.

— The cellar is ready for transport. It will be on its way to its future owner soon.

— This is the smallest cellar in our offer. The dimensions of this cellar are 1.5 x 1.5 m. Suggested for already developed plots, where trees grow, where shrubs are planted, where there is no space for large earthworks, and investors want a cellar. Such a cellar can be assembled manually, due to its small dimensions.

— Basement installation is simple. This can be done by a construction company or the investor himself, if he likes tinkering. When buying a cellar, the buyer receives detailed assembly instructions.

Here is a newly built garden potato on Mr. Piotr's property.

Customer Mr. Piotr Kozluk :

— We decided that a suitable solution for us would be a cellar of this type - round with a slanted entrance. It was installed a few days ago. We brought preserves that we had made so far.

— And for the next ones, which will be built in the summer, there is enough space on wooden shelves. They are mounted on steel profiles, which additionally strengthen the structure of the building. The assembly of the cellar took one day.

— Plus an additional one to be able to calmly cover it with soil to the right height. There must be an appropriate thickness of the earth for winter or summer. Later, as you can see here, we laid bricks, some old railway sleepers, and planted flowers. This is generally one working day.

— The next step is to plant decorative plants in the ground that will wrap the cellar from the outside. The embankment covered with greenery fits nicely into the area of the property. Mr. Piotr and his family are satisfied with the new investment. They have an aesthetic and durable garden cellar for food storage.

Plastic cellar from Bialystok of Poland for all Europe 2023.

BPR-PLASTECH Sp. z o. o.